Fallen by Nouman Ali Khan, a Faith Event programme

The Faith Conference by Faith Events

PUTRAJAYA, 30 NOVEMBER 2023: In a strategic move to attract and engage a diverse range of international tourists to visit Malaysia, Islamic Tourism Centre (ITC) is pleased to announce its support for prominent international event organisers in Warisan Ummah Ikhlas Foundation (WUIF) and Faith Events.

These strategic partnerships are poised to orchestrate a number of upcoming Islamic academic events namely; World #QuranConvention, Fallen by Nouman Ali Khan, and The Faith Conference Event, scheduled to unfold this December at various locations around Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. 

Nizran Noordin, Director-General of ITC, expressed enthusiasm, stating, “ITC is delighted to partake in events of this nature. This provides us with the opportunity not only to extend a warm welcome and showcase Malaysia as a top Muslim-friendly destination for international tourists but also to strengthen Malaysia\’s position as an Islamic education hub.”

Nizran then commended local event organisers for consistently producing thought-provoking, and soul-feeding Islamic events around the country, encouraging local and international tourists to travel for personal growth. These efforts align with the Prime Minister, YAB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim and the Government’s plan to further develop Malaysia’s Islamic Tourism sector, as announced in the 2024 Budget tabling last October. 

The three intellectual events supported by ITC all bear varying themes to capture the diverse interests of the Muslim audience and will be held on different dates and times. 

World #QuranConvention 2023

The World #QuranConvention (WQC) organised by WUIF is more than just an ordinary Islamic event; it is a dedicated initiative for Muslims worldwide to be provided with a profound opportunity to immerse themselves in the depths of the Al-Quran. 

This year’s theme “Serve to be Served,” drawing profound insights from Surah Al-Insan allows participants to explore beyond reading its verses – the convention focuses on understanding and applying its teachings to transform our mindset and character in becoming Al-Abrar (The Righteous). These teachings act as guiding lights that apply to various aspects of life, from our homes and workplaces to communities and the global stage.

Expect a comprehensive and enriching experience brimming with intellectual and spiritual in-depth discussions led by renowned local and international scholars, including the esteemed Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan.

World #QuranConvention 2023
Date:2 December 2023 / 18 Jamadilawal 1445H
Time:8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Venue:Movenpick Hotel and Convention Centre KLIA
Special Guest:Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan
Organiser: Warisan Ummah Ikhlas Foundation (WUIF)
Event Information: 

Fallen by Nouman Ali Khan

Fallen is a getaway for the seekers of ideas, healing, joy and deep wisdom from the narratives recounted by Allah SWT in the holy Al-Quran, to reflect and live out His inspired words in our day-to-day existence. 

Intentionally formulated to be meaningful and accessible to anyone who wishes to form a deeper understanding of the Holy Scripture, the audience will be taken on an intriguing journey with the Al-Quran through Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan’s captivating storytelling in this session brought about by Faith Events.

Fallen by Nouman Ali Khan 
Date:3 December 2023 / 19 Jamadilawal 1445H
Time:2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Venue:Ideal Convention Centre (IDCC) Shah Alam
Special Guest:Ustaz Nouman Ali Khan
Organiser: Faith Events
Event Information: 

The Faith Conference 2023

This 2-day conference will see three prominent speakers, Mufti Menk, Dr. Muhammad Salah and Shaykh Wael Ibrahim unravelling stories told in the Al-Quran with the audience guided by two separate topics. 

Another special engagement organised by Faith Events, the first day will explore the chronicles of exemplary characters in the Holy Book teaching us about the race to Jannah with the topic, “Heavenly Residents: Stories of Those Who Earned Jannah”.

Meanwhile, the following day’s topic, “When the Gates of Jannah Open: Divine Promises for the Righteous”, will give a closer look into the divine dwellings through their portrayal in the Quran and hadith.  

The Faith Conference 2023
Date:9 & 10 December 2023 / 25-26 Jamadilawal 1445H
Time:10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Venue:Menara Kembar Bank Rakyat Kuala Lumpur
Special Guests:Mufti Menk, Dr. Muhammad Salah, and Shaykh Wael Ibrahim
Organiser: Faith Events
Event Information: 

“World #QuranConvention”, “Fallen by Nouman Ali Khan” and “The Faith Conference 2023” are open for registration to all interested individuals and organisations, Malaysians and non-Malaysians. For more information, head over to the links provided or ITC’s social media platforms. 


About Islamic Tourism Centre

Islamic Tourism Centre (ITC) is an entity under the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Malaysia, tasked to develop the Islamic Tourism segment for Malaysia. It advocates for Muslim-friendly tourism (MFT) by offering research and market intelligence, training, industry development consultation, Muslim-Friendly Tourism and Hospitality (MFTH) services standards and recognition, and information exchange.

Malaysia was named the top country in the region in the MFTH sector by the State of the Global Islamic Economy (SGIE) Report 2022. The country also retained the top-ranked destination in the Mastercard-CrescentRating Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI) 2023, a position it has defended since the launch of the Index in 2015. In the same year, Malaysia was recognised as the Top Muslim-Friendly Destination of the Year (OIC) and the Top Muslim Women-Friendly Destination of the Year in Halal in Travel Awards 2023.

In addition, ITC was named the recipient of the Strategic Business Alliance Award at The BrandLaureate World Halal Best Brand E-Branding Awards 2021. It is a recognition of ITC’s efforts and endeavours in formulating new strategies to meet the new normal of the business environment to ensure business continuity and sustainability, notwithstanding its role in developing and growing the Islamic tourism segment in Malaysia.

These recognitions are an added motivation for ITC to continue to strengthen its efforts in being a prime mover and leading institution to ensure Malaysia is at the forefront of MFTH.

For further details, kindly contact:

Islamic Tourism Centre,

Level 13, Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia

No. 2 Tower 1, Jalan P5/6,

Precinct 5, 62200 Putrajaya, Malaysia

Tel: 03-8891 7177 or via email

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Facebook: Islamic Tourism Centre

Instagram: @itc_my

LinkedIn: Islamic Tourism Centre

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