Under the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, food waste management is a key focus. Islamic Tourism Centre is proud to showcase what our Muslim-Friendly Accommodation Recognition (MFAR) partner, Sunway Resort, is doing to reduce and repurpose food waste as part of their pledge for sustainable operations. Their commitment towards the UNSDGs is embraced by every employee in the resort, supervised by Hew Jenn Mun, Assistant Manager of Sustainable Development.

Read what Jenn (pic below) shares about how nothing from the kitchen goes to waste, and some easy tips you can practise at home to reduce household food waste!

Every year, about 1.3 billion tonnes of food is lost or wasted all along the food supply chain–from the food production stage right up to the household consumption stage. That makes up one-third of the total food produced for global consumption. To put it simply, imagine you ordered a three-course meal at a restaurant, and your dessert doesn’t arrive. Another way to put this food waste figure into context is to know that more than 800 million people in the world are undernourished or don’t have enough to eat.

Meanwhile, in Malaysia, food waste contributes to almost half of the domestic waste produced by households. Malaysians generate 17,000 tonnes of food waste daily, and of that 24% or 4,080 tonnes is still edible.

Does that shock you? Or maybe you feel unconcerned because you’re thinking, “Well, it doesn’t affect me.”

Well, at Sunway Resort, we can’t afford to be indifferent about this. It’s an issue that greatly matters to us as a responsible business. Moreover, Sunway Resort offers daily buffets to our hotel guests which include breakfast and lunch. Have you wondered where the surplus food goes? What about the food scraps–the potato peel, the eggshells, the fish bones–from the kitchen?

Our team came up with a few ideas for reducing food that goes to landfills.
Firstly, surplus food from our buffet line is donated to Kechara Soup Kitchen (KSK) for their onward distribution.

Secondly, the food scraps and inconsumable food are composted.

Fortunately, our partner, KSK, provides prompt action on the collection of surplus food. They then repurpose it and feed the communities they serve. At first, it was challenging to do this as there were numerous steps required to follow and complete the initiative. But after some guidance and training, the collection process is now carried out smoothly.

Meanwhile, the food scraps and perishable items from our kitchens are collected into food waste bins. Initially, all the different types of waste got mixed together without any pre-sorting done at the beginning. We were so used to throwing everything together in the same bin. Rounds of training and reinforcement were done to create awareness about the importance of sorting waste, and results improved. 

Stewards on duty collect the food waste and load it into the compost machine. After a day or two, the output is ready. Compost produced is used for gardening around Sunway City Kuala Lumpur.

It has been a learning process for us, but one that everyone at the resort embraces wholeheartedly. For a business like ours, food wastage can build up to be a problem if it’s not addressed properly. We’re glad to be on this journey, thinking ahead of how to improve the business operations to be more environmentally friendly, and in turn, bringing a positive impact to society. 

For example, when we donate our surplus food, we know that we’re providing meals to low-income families and helping them improve their nutrition intake. We’re happy to do our part for UNSDG 2 Zero Hunger, which targets to end malnutrition by year 2030.

Besides this, our efforts also address the UNSDG 12 which focuses on Responsible Consumption and Production. As a responsible individual and business, it is very important to learn how to manage our waste correctly, which includes food waste, recyclables and landfill waste. 

Fortunately, our chefs are doing a good job of collecting food waste, and employees are also taking up the initiative to set up recycling bins for proper waste segregation. 

We’ve seen first-hand how sustainability is a team effort. No one can do it alone. So, how can you join the bandwagon? I truly believe that every action has an impact, whether it’s big or small. Let’s start from your home because this is how we educate people around us and the next generation. 

Three simple ways to end food waste at home

  1. Plan your meals ahead. I personally notice that food waste usually comes from impromptu purchase of ingredients. Meal planning–and the subsequent grocery list–helps you to manage your grocery shopping and pantry inventory. When going shopping, get only the items or ingredients that you need for the week’s meals. This way, you won’t overindulge by buying unnecessary products, which, if unused, would only end up going bad and trashed in the bin.
  2. Check your fridge or pantry regularly! Best way to prevent food wastage is to check on the expiration date of the food. If you notice any food that is about to expire, cook those first. Overripe tomatoes can be repurposed into tomato sauce and kept in the fridge to be used for your spaghetti sauce later or made into tomato soup! (Tip: ask us about food repurposing!)
  3. Composting at home. I have my own compost bin that is placed in my garden. Fruit skin and vegetable scraps immediately go into a black bin and are covered with leaves or newspaper. Wait for a few months and stir it occasionally, and you’ll soon have “black gold”–that nutritious superfood–for your garden. It’s simple and anyone can practice composting.

Sunway Resort, together with Sunway Pyramid Hotel and Sunway Clio Hotel is located within the integrated township of Sunway City Kuala Lumpur. The vibrant 800-acre self-contained iconic landmark also comprises conference and convention centres, a theme park, a mega shopping and entertainment mall, medical centre, educational facilities and a multitude of distinctive business and leisure facilities. Just 35 minutes from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and 25 minutes from the city centre, this integrated destination offers over 10,000 square metres of world-class meeting space featuring over 60 meeting rooms, making this one of Malaysia’s most versatile conventions and exhibitions venue.

As a Silver-rated Muslim-Friendly Accommodation Recognition (MFAR) hotel, Sunway Resort provides Muslim travellers with a greater sense of confidence and comfort that their chosen abode conforms to the tenets of Islam, with halal kitchen facilities certified by JAKIM, prayer rooms with ablution facilities, clear display of the Qiblah direction, and availability of prayer materials upon request. 






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